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The Difference Between Real Men And Assholes

There have been times when life has taken a course and landing us onto a path we cannot evolve from, yet we run on the road that takes us back to the beginning. The beginning is the part of life we try to understand without a blink in the eye. The thing we never understand is why the pressure that seems to overwhelm us, takes us on this path. What is going through our minds when these things happen! Why do women, take interest in something, and act so out of place, I mean they act like the whole world is going to hit them smack right in the face. Or in this case a small cold. Why do we as men let these types of women run through us like this, I mean give them so much control.

Maybe it is because we may like this kind of female, or we want her to feel that we are not in control. So if she has control, we can still find ways to make her laugh, cry and smile. But yet let her know she only has the control we let her have. And that it can be diminished at any time she has gone too far. Does she like what we put down, or in her head is she already in a state of mind that all men are assholes. Yet we are not all the same, some are actually different from others. But because the other assholes have treated her the wrong way, our pursuit of her is never going to be justified.

But we don't even care about justification, just that she knows that not all of us will do her wrong. It is not every mans fault that girl's, women, ladies are treated with so much disrespect. But it is our job as men to understand the common interest that we share with that special someone. And if the pursuit to happiness is halted by her pass, then we need to learn to cope and help her through the ups and downs that she/we face as a new couple. The road is never easy when we don't know each other's back grounds or passed aggression.

Think about this for a second, how many assholes do girls know, and how many good men they know more about. I would bet they know more assholes who say they are real men instead of real men in their lives, who say they are not or have never been assholes. Ladies good men are out there and we are not hard to find it is we just have it so hard to please you when we were not the ones who made you hate us; we are just the ones who want to make our new beginning better than the others. This is the relationship phase we put ourselves into to find the person we are ultimately looking for in the end.

We find ourselves looking in all the wrong directions for the people we want to ultimately be with but subject our minds to the lather, in which we do more running from the problem of finding the right one to finding only what we find. In life the right one could be in front of us but we settle for what is subject to be there in the time of need. The difference between real men and assholes is the way we are treated, but what we feel and want is two very different things. In one situation we encompass thought of mister right only to find that he/she is not as it seems.

It is the end of something that we then realize that who we pushed away in the beginning should have been what we need, but we are so caught up in the essence of why we are there instead of where we should be, it is not our fault but we never realize it until it is gone, or has disappeared. Astrology of the stars of our own sign in a since tells us who we are compatible with but never explains why we duck and dodge the likeness of it or are so afraid to pursue the inevitable of the way it should be.

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